25 August 2011

Tips For Tim

Those of you who have read my blog for awhile will remember Tips for Tim but for those of you who have not, let me explain.

They are blips of life at school, lessons learned the hard way, or simply little things that make life easier. They are primarily for my brother at home (now a freshmen in high school! Can't even fathom it really...) but I decided that since I was writing them all and since they tend to show a little more of the stuff going on in day to day life here on top of the mountain, I'd post them on How I See It as well as sending them to him.

So...here is the first daily installment. Enjoy!

Coming back is far more fun than coming as a freshmen, believe it or not. Even though you're nervous and think it's going to be like the year before, it really isn't. You actually recognize faces and relationships tend to pick up where they left off. Glorious.

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