25 April 2011


Today our hall shirts came in...
my first design project that has actually become a reality.

I can't believe that tomorrow 22 beautiful women will be wearing my design all over campus.
Not that anyone will know it's mine.

And you know, them not knowing is fine with me.

It came from this...

...went to this...

...and now sits lightly on my back as this.

It's so real
and in-your-hands.

Each line sticks up a smidge
and each letter seems to stick to the material
like it wants to be there.

The periods are my favorite.
Every detail is indellibly stuck to these shirts...
until the ink starts to come off from age that is.

I can't change it
...fiddle with it...
...tweak it...
it just is
and I love it. 


Melanie said...

Congratulations! It is beautiful.

Katie Beth said...

Thank you! I can't wait for you to see it.

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