13 August 2014

lemon bars, sweet

I remember waiting, smelling the hot butter smell coming from the oven and the discipline of waiting for them to cool in the fridge. I remember the sun and the light breezes and the comfort of familiarity. I remember laughing at powdered-sugar mustaches, of breathing in with deep anticipation only to cough on the light sweet dust. I remember always forgetting to hold my breath on the first bite.

Now I can't have the powdered sugar, but as soon as I tasted this recipe, I didn't want to ever go back. Not only do they have the same balance of sweet and tart, butter and custard, but they also showcase a clarity of citrus flavor that many other lemon bars lack.

Adapted from "Paleo Cooking from Elana's Pantry" by Elana Amsterdam 
Makes 12 bars 

Preheat oven to 350 F. 
Grease an 8x8 dish with coconut oil and dust with almond flour. 

1 1/2 c blanched almond flour (optional: half almond meal) 
1/4 t sea salt 

Combine in a large bowl. 

4 T coconut oil, melted (optional: half or all butter) 

Whisk into dry until thoroughly combined. 
Press into the prepared dish. 
Bake until lightly golden, 5-8 minutes while mixing filling. 

Zest of one lemon 
1/2 c fresh squeezed lemon juice 
1/4 c coconut oil, room temp 
1/4 c honey 
3 large eggs 

Put in a blender. 
Process until smooth. 

Remove crust from oven and immediately pour in the topping. 
Bake 10-12 minutes until the topping is golden. 
Let cool in the baking dish for 30 minutes, then put in fridge for 2 hours to set. 
Cut into bars and serve. 

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