16 March 2013

tips for tim

There are a great areas in and around the UK which have public access codes which allow people to walk on land that is not their own. Find out what the code is where you are and take advantage of it! There are gorgeous walks right through the countryside.

The English countryside is just as beautiful as they say.

Don't be one of those people who goes to Stonehenge to take a picture of themselves and leave. Research it before hand, go to the significant places around it that you learned about. Maybe sketch it, even if you're a horrible drawer. You'll have really seen and understood it then instead of just making it a handy backdrop for a profile picture.

Some thrift stores carry bins of old postcards...some written on and posted, others still blank. They make the most wonderful souvenirs.

Instead of getting everyone at home a different object, which can get quite pricey and will most likely just end up in their junk drawer somewhere, send them a postcard. They'll have something written from you, stamped from the other country, and a piece of art they can frame if they want to. And it's a lot cheaper for you. Win win win win.

When you go traveling, give yourself an exorbitant food budget and a safety amount of about $400. There will always be unexpected expenses and the extra food money gives you some cushion as well.

Keep a calendar of all of your assignments, due dates, progress, and meetings and refer back to it every day. This is elementary, but very important.

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