15 January 2012

Before I go to bed

Pictures...I take a lot of them.

Last semester I hung up pictures from the Rez on the wall at the head of my bed. I know each smile so well and can still feel their hands in mine, on my face, or around my waist.  I added pictures of family to the mix as well to try and capture the capture those faces that mean I'm home.

Above my bed, tucked in the wire frame that holds my roomie's mattress above my head, I tucked the photos of the faces that are here on my hall...my temporary home. All faces I love dearly now.

This last Tuesday I moved the pictures that were tucked up above my head and clipped them up with the rest. It wasn't until the next day that I realized the significance of what I'd done.

The two worlds were separated. Two lives that I couldn't deal with bringing together because I wanted to live in one or the other and not have to deal with the pain of being in both.  At the exact same time, I wanted to be able to live in both yet knew I had to choose one. So I kept them separate in my heart and on my wall.  Now, after time to heal, process, and think about the ones I love, I can put them together. There is so much more healing just in seeing them all at once...Nolani next to Tim, and Sam next to Connie (top picture). 

It's a little glimpse of heaven every time I go to bed.

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