05 December 2011

It Came

The physical signs of Christmas have arrived.

Cookies from a loving mother.
Paper snowflake cut outs dusting the floor.
Little Christmas trees with smaller ornaments.
Mordecai, Caledon's Christmas pet, on his perch.

Every day things with glitter added
or perhaps tinsel...

...or just glowing from the lamp light.

And of course our mini stockings so lovingly cross stitched by Jenna.
They dot the halls now in impressive numbers.
Mine from last year is now only one of many hanging on the doors.

My favorite part about visible Christmas coming is that I get to revel in how real Christmas came awhile ago.
Reading Christmas books aloud at 11pm at night because we all had an awful day.
Singing Christmas carols in the commons with a slowly growing group of people stopping as they walk through.
Blasting Handel's Messiah without getting glares.


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