13 December 2011


I have recently been told that my life looks perfect from the outside. My blog is happy, fluffy, and filled with photographs of the ideal. My room is neat and clean. My academics are within the necessary range to keep my scholarships.

I almost laughed in their face. And then I just felt slightly sick. What they said was well meant. What I heard was "you're perfect...and therefore not a human being."

An over-reaction, perhaps. But think about it. Part of being human is struggling with brokenness...with fear...with sin in general. To say that someone does not have such struggles removes a vital part of their humanity. Christ did not come to die for perfect people; He came to die for depraved sinners.

So why do I run across this so much and have done this much thinking about it?

Well...you see...I'm a well-practiced actor. Or magician. Or both. I use smoke and mirrors. My blog is a place for me to display the pretty things around me. My room is clean so people won't look at the mess that's inside of me. My GPA is the result of many hours of being anti-social and is also an idol that I use in order to feel sure in my salvation. How twisted is that?

So no, I don't tend to blog about the dirty corners of my life or the dirty corners of other people's lives. Perhaps I should do that more. Perhaps it's not necessary. How much of a rounded person am I obligated to show here? An interesting thought trail that I shall be following this Christmas holiday. Right now so much is falling apart that I am postponing such thinking until I have the time and sanity to just sit somewhere and stare at a wall.

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