20 August 2011

Returning to the paths

How I have missed photographing
the varying seasons
surrounding Jackson pond
and the myriad of emotions expressed in
the reflections.

So much new life in the foliage.
It's almost like the trees have grown shaggy;
as if they didn't shave all summer
and are quite happy about it.

The air is muggy and filled with water
as is to be expected.
Slight showers dangled clean air
but alas, t'was not to be.
Perhaps tomorrow.

The rock.
Feet fit perfectly into the indentations on its face
and indentations at the top are perfect
for perching
and reading or simply sitting
and thinking.

The sunset doesn't take control of the horizon yet.
The sun is still feeling lazy
from having to meander across the sky
so slowly.
Soon the air will cool down
and he'll want to get to the other side of the world.
The skies will be set on fire
the air will be clear
and we'll have to hustle along the trails
to get back before dark sneaks up.

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