13 July 2011

my God is so big

Singing was hectic. A new song. Destructive, distracting energy swarming around me. Then Nolani, suddenly at my side wrapped in a towel, wanted to be picked up. A bundle with no arms. It was our song.

my God is so big
so strong and so mighty
there's nothing my God cannot do

the mountains are His
the rivers are His
the stars are His handiwork too

my God is so big
so strong and so mighty
there's nothing my God cannot do for you

She's in my arms every time. Both of us are missing an arm from holding onto the other but together we clap, make mountains, and point to the stars.

Today both of her arms were wrapped up, safe in the bundle that she was. It took both my arms to hold her. With no motions possible, I sang to her in the swarm of kids. Half way through I noticed a little girl standing quiet right in front of me, her big eyes looking up at me. So I sang to her as well. I sang about the mighty God who has control even over chaos like great mountains, rushing rivers, and a mother's abusive boyfriend. I told her that here is nothing this God cannot do for her.

Her eyes followed my head as I bobbed back and forth, half rocking Nolani and half keeping the beat for the team members in the crowd in front of me. Her lips twitched when I smiled, and her oh-so-small silver caps peeked out on the last declaration. As soon as the song was over, I lost her face as I was distracted by the craziness of trying to get forty five kids and thirty one team members to sit down and be quiet for prayer. I haven't seen her again.

my God is so big
so strong and so mighty
there's nothing my God cannot do

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