27 June 2011


The week carried along in a somewhat predictable pattern.

Lauren and I got up around 5:30am to get in the kitchen and start dinner for that night. From there we answered questions asked by the people whose chore it was to set out breakfast, everyone ate breakfast, and mini meetings were had to try and prevent a snag from the day before from recurring or filling certain jobs that needed doing.

From there we cleaned up after the people who cleaned up breakfast, loaded into Gerdy, and chugged towards the worksite.

What exactly we were to do that day was found out as we arrived whether it be scraping, painting, building, overseeing, or playing with kids so the painters could finish up. Those were my favorite days. There's nothing like swimming in the bone-dry parking lot because my ten-year-old mother had taken my five-year-old self to Kah-Nee-Tah, the local resort and casino.


Mid-workday, we stopped to have lunch and then work began again for another two hours.

Then it was packing up Gerdy and heading to the community where some team members took showers and we took naps in Gerdy or answered the questions of other team members. 

Then off the kid's club where we had the privilidge of goofing around with and loving on about thirty to forty five kids a day. The numbers were drastically decreased because of Pi-Ume-Sha, the annual Powow that celebrates the Warm Spring's Treaty with the U.S. Government in 1855 (another post will be devoted to Pi-Ume-Sha...no way will it all fit here!).


Next was packing up from Kid's club and heading back to the church. Team members took more showers and cleaned up while Lauren and I got dinner ready, set the tables, and made dessert. Then Scott chose someone to pray and we reminded everyone that women go through the line first. Next was watching to make sure nothing ran out and getting the dessert in place. After that it was gathering the dinner clean up crew and then cleaning up after the dinner clean up crew. Once that was finished, we were so excited to be so close to when we could collapse in bed that we often forgot to get the breakfast and lunch bread out of the freezer. We had a few mornings of defrosting the english muffins in the microwave. Ah well. It all turned out well.

Then we would get caught in conversation or an odd job such as hardboiling eggs for breakfast or running to go get fruit or escaping to watch the sunset over the Three Sisters, Broken Top, Three Fingered Jack, and Mount Bachelor, Jefferson, and Hood as we watched the Deschutes River be set on fire.

All we had left to do after that was clean up a bit, journal as much as we were able, set our alarms for the morning, and barely feel our pillows as we fell asleep.

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