13 June 2011

In which I get a one-sided farmer's tan

Dust everywhere.
Soaking in warmth.
Sitting in one spot with the sun to my left
with my sleeves rolled up
hence the one sided farmer's tan.

Wearing Molly's native earrings.
Finally got some of my own that night at the powow.
So happy.
My glasses went missing but my sunglasses are prescription
so I was able to see everything quite clearly.
Clearer than I've seen in days.

Two guys. Two horses. One calf.
One guy jumps off of his horse and gets the calf on the ground.
Fastest time: FOUR SECONDS!

Whinney. One of the little girls that came and sat with "the church people"

One of the other little girls braided Rachel's hair.

This is...awesome.
I think this guy managed to stay on until the cut off time
so he competed the next day.

This area used to be all TPs.
Now motor homes and RVs have taken over.

Mmm...rodeo food.
Didn't have any
but it smelled delicious.

Back in the northwest!
Know how I know?
It's "pop," not "coke" or "soda."

Wild horse race.
Four guys. One wild horse. One saddle. One rope.
Get the saddle on the horse and ride him to the finish line.
Crazy, but some people actually succeed.

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