24 August 2013


I've been here in my new home for two days now and have enjoyed settling in. It is so wonderful to be back with my roommate and the wonderful women I know here, not to mention all of the new people I get to meet who've been dropping by our house. Pictures etc. to come soon of organization, decorating, and other house-y things. Our room is getting closer and closer to looking like a room and not a tornado.

I did a week's prep cooking today. I am definitely feeling a post coming on the plethora of things you can do with a chicken. The picture below signifies a momentous occasion: the completion of my first roast chicken of which I was entirely responsible for.

I was cooking for about three hours and successfully juggled roasting a chicken, mixing up sausages, cooking tomato sauce, starting a batch of yogurt, and getting ready to make chicken stock. They all meshed together quite wonderfully, actually, and I am now set on basics for the coming week. Here's to that!

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