21 February 2013

the long way 'round

I knew I had to walk into town as soon as I saw the blue crisp sky above my head on waking. I discovered that the long arduous hill is paralleled on the other side of its stone wall by a path through the park. I don't think I'll be going down or up along the street again. Life is bursting out from every direction as if its impatience can't be helped.

The sun came out yesterday in cool winter force warming the ground just enough to lift the frost into the air as a light mist. The beams set it alive around each corner and through each tree.

Sonya knew of a gorgeous building off on a side street that we were passing so we took the detour and found it.

We discovered many other beautiful things which will be popping up in the next few days. I particularly loved how the sunshine played between these buildings. The sun-ripened tomato paint on the first building bounced off the walls and set everything in warm tones.

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