29 August 2012

Her Voice

The excited energy pouring out of my professor as she closes her eyes and clasps her hands in front of her, preparing to pray. Her voice. You can hear the excitment as she lifts it to the LORD.

It's an excitment we often become distanced from. Students and professors alike talk about "the immense privilidge" and wax eloquent on the places we've been where prayer is not well recieved. It becomes a cerebral exercise. Now, here stands genuine rapture at being able to dedicate a class period to the LORD through community prayer.

"So why is this two-year professor trumping all of your other professors?" you ask.

Penn State. She taught there for two years. You open a Bible in class and people shuffle uncomfortably. You need to watch what you say or you could get a stern call. If a professor prayed in class, they're no longer a professor.

She could hardly contain herself as she reveled in the freedom of talking to her creator and lover and bringing us with her.

I'm determined to never look on opening prayer as a mundane ritual or yet another time when I have to struggle to stay awake.

I'm determined to remember the look on her face when she opened her eyes.

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