03 February 2012

Tips For Tim

Sunsets are always different. You can never see too many.

Seven straight hours of homework is possible. I promise. I just did it.

Doing seven hours of homework is totally worth the rush of accomplishment you feel when it's done.

Think about and research studying abroad early...first semester of your sophmore year would be good.

Randomly walk into other people's rooms on occasion. It can lead to some great conversations.

Attend lectures and seminars outside of your classes when possible. Even if you're not particularly interested in the topic when you go to the lecture, you might just love it when you leave.

Modge Podge, packing tape, and rubber cement is your friend.

Get a good planner with plenty of space in it for daily to-do lists. That way, no matter what it is, you know it's going to be in one place. Keep it up to date as well with things you want to attend, people's birthdays, etc.

Write letters.

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