23 January 2012

Tips For Tim

Drink water outside of meals. Water water, mind you. Coffee, tea and other such drinks are nice, but they're not as hydrating as you need, especially if you want to decrease your chance of getting sick.

Tea in the morning...not enough can be said about the relaxation factor. It makes you slow down. It gives you something to sip. You have to plan more time in because you need to walk slower to class so you don't spill it all over the place.

Even better though than tea in the morning is tea out of a real mug in the morning. Once you drink out of ceramic in class, you can't go back to Styrofoam. Not to mention that it's better for the planet, but I'm afraid that horse has been plenty beaten by the bloggosphere as it is.

It often happens that inspiration to clean your room strikes right as you need to be sleeping or working on class work. There are pluses and minuses to this. Plus, because at that point cleaning your room and re-organizing is more enjoyable than usual compared to what you should be doing. I know...I know...I am an organizer by nature. However, I have been told that this tendency holds true with other people and not just me.  Minus, because then you don't sleep as much and class work doesn't get done as quickly.

Talk to professors when you see them out of the classroom, but keep the professor-student relationship intact. This is a kindness more to them than anything else. It will help them remain honest and consistent graders. After you're finished with the class, no longer have them as a professor, or they offer you to get to know them on a more personal level, feel free to pursue a respectful relationship and take them up on their offer. Just realize that it could get more complicated and that being professional is nearly always the better option. There is always time later to get to know them as a friend. If you have questions about this one, just talk to a sociology professor. They'll be able to talk your ear off about it.

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