09 December 2011

Tips For Tim

Getting sick right before finals is no fun. However, it does keep you in your room studying. Which is...good for your grades if not your sanity.

Be proactive with preventing sickness.

As you're preparing to consume and when you are actually consuming something unpleasant in an effort to prevent or curtail illness, remember that it's a lot more pleasant than actually being sick at college.

Know that even when you're proactive and eat/drink something disgusting, you can still get sick.

When you run out of kleenex, save the box. While getting another is ideal, it's often not practical. What works quite well is filling it with a long piece of toilet paper and then just ripping it off in chunks. This keeps it clean, available, and neat.

Decorating your saved kleenex box is a good study break.

Eat a hearty dinner before any Christmas party.

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