02 December 2011

Tips For Tim

I'm twelve behind. Here goes...
  1. Sometimes the best thing to do is put off studying, get together as a hall, and play cards.
  2. Card games that involve slapping are a good way to let off steam. Not only does it expend some nervous energy, but it also tends to lead to laughter.
  3. Get outside!
  4. Dancing is a very good way to oxygenate your brain, meaning that you'll study better later if you dance now. : )
  5. Decorate a bit for Christmas.
  6. Don't be shy to ask for time from people. It's good for both of you.
  7. Make sure to get off campus sometimes.
  8. Long talks are wonderful. Go searching for them.
  9. Also don't be shy to ask for extensions on papers. The worst thing that can happen is that they'll say no, right?
  10. Learn to appreciate the terrain around where you are. Learn about the plants, the animals, the secret places only locals know. There is so much enjoyment in understanding what's around you.
  11. Find people know are locals and know about the secret places. Then, ask them to show them to you!
  12. God is good. God is good all the time.

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