16 June 2011


Took fifty southerners to the powow on Friday.
Quite crazy.
The culture clash potential was massive.
"don't shake hands"
"don't make a lot of eye contact"
"don't ask them about their costume...it's regalia"
"they're not dressing up like indians...they ARE indians."
"there are knives...drugs...drinking...drunks. watch it."
"don't go here...don't go there"
"do NOT pick up feathers"
But they did well.
As far as I saw anyways.
We still stuck out like "flamingos in a herd of wildebeasts"
as Beth so aptly put it
but that's to be expected.

We got to return Saturday night just as staff and interns.
So much more relaxing.
Greeted by groups of children we know.
"why are you talking to them?"
"They're the church people!"
"They're the ones who know Jesus"
Smiles are passed around the group.

Little ones, after doing their dance,
raise up their dollar bill consolation prize
and smile at staff members.

My eyes sting from cigarette smoke
and the effort to not blink.
Beads sparkle and flash.
The dancers are lithe and powerful.
There are no English words to describe their dancing.
You have to simply come and see.

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