10 June 2011

Multnoma Falls


Amish caps bob beside Indian saris
as the falls mist over everyone.
A bejeweled and be-makeuped woman passes by
leaving a pool of her
cruise ship perfume.
Toddlers hold up the flow of traffic
as they struggle to control both
ice cream and feet.
Even their parents
are having troublekeeping drips in their mouths.
Even with all the effort
sticky fingers are everywhere.
Face after face
is placed next to the sign and documented
to be lost somewhere
in an album
or in cyberspace.
Shirts are pulled against skin
as people enter the wet shade
of the cliff.
The threads radiate
the warmth stored from the sun.
Trains shake past
too close.
"---- you" and "woot dear!"
take over.
"WE DELIVER" is lost in the layers.

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