27 May 2011


Arrived on the Rez last Wednesday. Easy drive over, familiar faces to greet me, and wonderful coffee to comfort me when everyone left.
[the first morning]

Short and sweet:
The team is amazing. I want to get to know every single one of them better and I haven't even been with them for three days. The house I'm living in is the most adorable little dwelling you've ever been in. The ceiling curves into the walls (literally) and the hallways welcome you.  "Nest" comes to mind.  Orientation is filled with familiar information but going through it all again and all at once instead of over eight years of learning it piece by piece is tiring. My journal already has a serious chunk in it of pages covered in writing, scribbles, caps, and cursive.

[notes from writing our team covenant]

About future posting:
I will be posting maybe every night though they will be very short until the end of the week and personal days. I cannot promise much because I know I feel like I'm tired now, but I know that compared to what the rest of the summer will be like, I'm quite energetic. Pictures will be rare and mainly of life here in the house. If you want to see photos, some may come up on Sacred Road's blog which you can find here.
Thank you for all your prayers. They have made such a difference and have made this possible. Please continue praying as we launch into our first days of working together toward bringing God's Kingdom and Love to these people and this community which so desperately need Him.

In Christ,

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