27 November 2011

The Only Picture

Croissants. Crafted in a home's kitchen. A slow cold-outside-fire-inside day.

This is the only picture I have from Thanksgiving Break, and I love it.  Quiet. Peaceful. Warm Safe. It goes over all the days. Time spent quiet with others, conversation that was safe, conversations that meant something beyond weather or what was happening in the moment. Remembering that there's life outside of studies, grades, and future plans. Remembering that God has control over what happens and what does not happen. Over who I spend time with and what I put my effort into.  Remembering to allow Him to show me where I'm going instead of coming to Him with my life list all planned out and organized in a bland, color-coded grid.

Hiking and conversations that weren't hedged in by a schedule. Unfamiliar woods. A kitchen to learn and enjoy. Pancakes. Coffee I actually wanted to drink but didn't have to. Driving and not caring where we were going. Entering warm home circles glowing with food and laughter. Caving and finding that underground is beautiful. Reveling in the wonder of rolling across clay and digging my fingers into it. My fingertips set alive in the absolute dark.

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