Flying -- wish it was flitting -- across the continental united states again tomorrow. Alone.
There's something about traveling alone that is both exhilarating and lonely. You are in charge. You are the one who makes the decisions. Where to walk. When to stand. spend all day tied to your luggage in crowds of people you don't know and who don't care a smidgen about whether you get where you're going. Exceptions are the people who are being paid to care. Unfair blanket statement I know but true enough to put it down.
Direct flight this time. Two new books sitting in my bag waiting to be devoured. At least...I hope they're worthy of being devoured. I might just nibble. So far I have liked their taste though. I ate a little more of Watchmen that I was planning...and I also plan to continue tonight as well...I gave in...I know...but it was so tempting with its shocking yellow cover and hinted complexity. The complicated yet simplified genre of graphic novel has always fascinated me.
Lovely books suggested by a lovely woman. I almost can't wait to get back here just so I can see them all again. The ripping lack of closure still hurts deep in the back of my throat unless I don't think about it. Not even milk helps. But soon I will be with family, friends, and those I love.
And God is in control. It's HIS strength that I'm running on right now.
Must remember.
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