08 May 2011


Two pillow cases for $2.
Thrift store lovin'.
Still in the creating process.
Nearly done...one last adjustment and then pictures shall be posted.
Hopefully some explaining shall be done as well as to said creating process.
It depends on if I can remember it by then.

Sitting, sewing, listening to music.
Such a lovely feeling of being at home.

The German sewing machine humming.
Nadel Unten.
Definitely my favorite button.

Ruffles forming in my fingers.
Such a simple method.
Too bad I don't like ruffles enough to put them on everything.

I did finish one project yesterday.
$5 sheets from a thrift store.
Pockets...a bow...elastic.
I merged three patterns which you can find here, here, and here.

I know this picture isn't very good but it's hard to take a picture of the whole skirt.
Maybe I'll try again later.
Probably not.

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